Saturday 24 April 2010

Altogether now....'Neighbours, everybody needs good Neighbours....'

Admit it, everyone's watched at least one episode of the Australian soap 'Neighbours', and most will have come home from school and be glued to the telly for 25 minutes at around 5.30pm!  Well, after doing the 'Neighbours Tour' back in February, I was dying to go to the 'World Famous Neighbours trivia Night' at the 'Elephant and Wheelbarrow' in St Kilda, advertised as the "Best night you'll have in Australia".

Darren was having none of it, so I went along with Diane, Damo, Josie and Paul - and it was one of the best group nights out that I've had yet!  Yes it was cheesy and tacky and all the rest of it, but I think that's what made it such a fun night!!!

Josie and Paul

Damo, Diane and me!

At 8.00pm the hosts “George Josevski” (aka The Backpacker King) and "Peter O'Reilly (aka Safari Pete) introduced themselves, along with the Neighbours actors and welcomed everyone to the night.  The actors then responded to a questions from the audience.

The Neighbours actors then walk around the pub and mingle with the audience while there's a general knowledge trivia quiz going on in the background.  In between rounds there were additional competitions taking place - testing your vocal cords and singing your favourite song for a prize to Sydney...making some shapes on the dance floor for a trip to the Whitsundays...doing strange things to complete stranger for trips to the Great Ocean Road, Philip Island, Wilson's Prom, New Zealand etc!  But to be honest I was too excited about meeting the actors for all that malarky!


Donna Freedman (I'm the one on the right!!!)

Stingray (yes I did steal his cap for the photo!)

The legend that is Dr Karl Kennedy!

Yes I got Dr K's autograph!

Even Dr K couldn't fix Damo's arm!

After the quiz, Dr Karl and his band “Waiting Room” performed live, and believe it or not they were really quite good!  It was a bit like watching your dad fulfil a llifelong dream of being in a rock band, but the crowd loved it!

And oh the excitement when they announced that Paul  Robinson would be appearing as a speacial guest!
Paul Robinson reading the paper before going on stage (I'm such a stalker!!!)

What a fab night - Darren would have hated it, but I'm so glad I got to go!!!!!  :o)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great night Kat. I always remember Jo Whiley from Radio One really rating Dr Karl Kennedy and his band!! 'legend'
