Friday 21 May 2010

Sunday afternoon with mum and dad

We did lots of nice things while mum and dad stayed with us, but one beautiful sunny Sunday we decided to walk along the beach from Brighton to Hampton.  It's a lovely walk and a chance to take some photos along the way!

When we got to Hampton we met up with my brother and family for a coffee at the Brown Cow, and then another walk down to the beach with them before sunset.

Like I said, it's a lovely walk, but Darren and I decided to get the train back while mum and dad walked back along the beach, stopping for a glass of wine on the roof of Brighton Baths!  They got back just in time to catch up with Darren's mum and dad on Skype!  I love this picture of Darren chatting to his mum and dad in the UK with my mum and dad on the other side of the world!!!  Jackie and John - here's a piccie of you in Oz without even leaving your front room!!!

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