Sunday 4 April 2010

Egg-cellent Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday and it's a beautiful sunny day and about 25 degrees.  Darren and I get the train to the Docklands and meet up with mum, dad, Mark, Em, Mabel and Kieran who are happily playing with the circus skills stuff on the New Quay.

We head to the Lounge Room for lunch, stopping briefly for Mabel to have a flower painted on her cheek - it's a serious business!

The Lounge Room is a lovely restaurant on the New Quay with city and waterfront views and here we meet up with Cara (Emma's cousin), Kris (Cara's husband) and Blair (Cara and Kris's new baby).  There's a moment where Kieran comes and stands by Darren and won't speak, and we realise that it's because he wants to sit next to Darren, so Kieran and mum swap seats and everyone's happy!

The food was delicious and somehow we all managed to find room to share a pudding with our respective other halves, and Kieran was let loose with the chocolate sauce!  When asked if he'd had any chocolate the answer was an adamant no!

Full on sugar we decided to go for a walk along the South Bank to soak up the Autumn sunshine.  Em headed back home to take advantage of some 'me time' while there were plenty of us to entertain the children!  On leaving the restaurant cheeky little  Kieran slapped the waitress's bottom - not sure whether he learnt that particuar trick from daddy or uncle Darren!!!

With a stop for a play in a park and a drink on the South Bank we made it to Flinders Street Station where we boarded the train to play muscial laps until Darren and I got off at North Brighton and the others carried on to Sandringham.

It really was a lovely Easter afternoon and it so nice to be able to spend it with mum and dad, and my brother's family too - that didn't happen that many times back home!!!

(And thank you to the Devaneys for the lovely Haigh's Easter Egg!!!!!)

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