Thursday 1 April 2010

The 'Mother'-Ship has landed!!!!!

After a long flight from the UK, it's time to meet mum and dad Perry at the airport.  Mark picked me up at 7.30pm ready for their arrival at 8.30pm.  At gone 9.30pm they come through the arrival doors!  It's Thursday night and they haven't slept since Monday night, but they looked surprisingly awake and it's so good to see them!

Mark then dropped me back home on the way back from the airport to take the weary travellers to their beds.  They are here for a couple of months so there's plenty of time for us to catch up - I just wanted to meet them off the plane and have a quick catch up in the car!  Couldn't wait another day!!!

Friday we go to Mark and Emma's for a 'Welcome' bbq for mum and dad.  We go straight from work armed with sausages, rolls, some beer and a bottle of pink bubbly!  It was really nice to have everyone together again - it must be almost two years since we were all in the same room!

Emma, Mabel and Kieran work hard at pudding - and Mabel kindly puts a chocolate Easter Egg on the top!

After a couple of drinks, the tiredness starts to show signs of creeping in on mum and dad, so after a lovely evening we leave them to their beds and head back to Brighton.  Apparently they didn't sleep that night though once they made it to bed - jet-lag is a funny thing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your comments, and love your blog as always. However, not particualarly keen on the unflattering pic .. I'm still counting the chins ;-)

    PS your mum is still giggling re the 'mother' ship comment :-)

    Looking forward to meeting on Sunday xxx
