Saturday 22 May 2010

Just like home (almost!).....

Oh what a treat!!!  Darren and I came home from a hard day at the office to the smell of a roast dinner cooking!  The number of Sundays that I've wished that I was going to one of our parents' for a Sunday lunch!  Hmmmmm.....

Mum was so pleased that she had been able to get a joint of Silverside beef because it was a cut that she recognised from home - but after being in the oven for over the required cooking time the meat still looked red raw.  Turned out it was actually 'corned silverside beef', which apparently should be boiled, and although it was cooked (and tasted lovely - a bit like gammon according to mum and dad), I just didn't fancy red beef, considering I like mine well done (preferably burnt!).

But all was not lost, Darren and I ran (literally) up to the local supermarket to get a 'hot cooked chicken', and were back in time to have it with all the lovely roast potatoes and veggies, including sprouts, that were already done!

Another night she did pork, complete with apple sauce - roast potatoes twice in as many weeks - we felt spoilt!!!

Most evenings were spent relaxing in front of the telly and chit chatting about nothing in particular - the stuff you miss when you can't do it any day of the week.  And dad seemed chuffed when I came home from work each day with an 'MX' - the freebie newspaper from the train station - not dissimilar to the 'Metro' at home.

Despite being in Oz, mum felt the cold - no she didn't want this picture taken in my head hugger!

We've since worked out how to use the heating!!!

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