Tuesday 27 October 2009

Meeting, Eating and Sweet Feeting!

On Monday, as a welcome to the team, the Chief Underwriter took Darren and I, Darren’s boss and four of the ladies on the underwriting team out to lunch at a lovely Italian restaurant. The restaurant was off one of the main streets and down some stairs – the sort of place that we would never have found unless someone had recommended it. The food was lovely, and the people were really nice and as I didn’t have to go back to work I was able to indulge in a glass of wine. The water came in a really cool bottle and so we asked for the cap so that I could take it home with me! I don’t think I embarrassed Darren too much because one of the other girls took one too! When they went back to work I went to the South Bank to finish my book and collect my bike before heading back to the apartment.

On Tuesday I headed to Brighton Beach for a picnic lunch with Emma, Kieran and Mark (who joined us for his lunch break). Kieran and I had a lovely time throwing broken shells into the sea because apparently if you throw broken ones in the sea fixes them! It’s tiring work though trying to fix all those shells!

Wednesday night I had arranged for us to go out to dinner with two other couples.  I had met the girls for a coffee already, but it would be the first time that the boys met so I was a little bit nervous about the whole thing.  As it turned out, I needn't have worried because the boys got on really well, and I got on as well with the girls as I had done the week before.  We met for a drink in a really nice bar and then went to the 'Thai Kingdom' for dinner.  There weren't any difficult pauses in conversation and the food was really nice - plus the ladies got a complimentary glass of bubbly so can't complain!  After food, we went to the Irish pub for another drink so it seems that no one was desperate to get away!  When we left, the boys had arranged to play 5-aside footie on Sunday and the girls had arranged a girls' night out on Wednesday!  Successful night all round I think!

As an aside, we heard news that the ship with our container on should arrive in Melbourne a little earlier than expected, despite leaving the UK a week late!  It will still take time to get through customs and things, but we are now hoping our stuff will be with us early December rather than Christmas!!!  Here's some pictures of the actual ship that our stuff is on - although they're not pictures of the ship with our stuff on!

Saturday we went to a barbie at the home of Darren's boss, Alistair.  They live in Port melbourne and after several 'discussions' over exactly who had forgotten the map, we gave Alistair a call for directions!  Their house is lovely and we spent a lovely afternoon and evening sat out in the courtyard with good food, good company and too many bubbles!  The barbie was being held to celebrate the fact that they have been in Australia for a year now.  Most people there were expats and it was nice to meet people who are happy being here and who have gone through the same stuff that we are going through.  Everyone got on really well and we are hoping to meet up with some of them again which is nice.  Darren's birthday is Monday and they brought out a chocolate cake with candles on for him and sang happy birthday - nice touch!

Sunday night was 5-aside footie night and I went along to support - turns out I was the only supporter!  It was nice to meet the lads though and they seem like a really nice bunch!  They didn't start off to well - but considering they had only just met, they improved really quickly and started to look like a team (team name being 'The Mighty Poms in Oz'.  When the score was 6-0 to the opposition in the first half I feared for their self respect, but they pulled it together and the final score was 12-8.  Not the win they were hoping for, but Darren scored 4 of the 8 goals so he was chuffed.  His 'sweet feet' didn't let him down!  Think this is going to become a regular fixture for Sunday nights now!

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