Sunday 18 October 2009

Girls' Things and Boys' Stuff

Wednesday was the first day that I’ve had a quiet day and had nothing in particular to do, and to be perfectly honest it was a bit of a lonely day. If I had been at home in England I probably would have been more than content to have a veg day infront of the telly, but here I felt a bit strange with nowhere to go and the apartment not feeling like ‘home’. To cure all, I went shopping on Chapel Street, but even that didn’t really snap me out of it!

So, I was really pleased that there was a cinema night planned in the evening for the girls. I met Emma at Middle Brighton train station, and we walked down to Florentine (a restaurant) where we had a glass of wine and met up with four other ladies. It was really nice to meet other women who had also moved over from the UK (one from France), and to swap stories and hear about how everyday life is in Brighton. We then went to the cinema to see ‘Mao’s Last Dancer’ in a cinema where the seats are very plush (velvet, no flip up seats!), and although it wouldn’t have been my choice of film, it was really good and a nice way to switch off from the real world for a bit. After the movie finished, we agreed that we should do it again soon, and I caught the train back to South Yarra. It was a bit strange getting the train on my own at night, but the transport here is so good and in no time at all I was back to annoy Darren with chatter about the evening! I think he’d enjoyed the peace and quiet, and had chatted with his parents on Skype while I was out.

While I had been at the cinema, I had received a text from the wife of Darren’s boss asking if I would like to meet here the following day at the Immigration Museum. It felt like a bit of a blind date, but I met her (Jen), 3 month old Finn, and Jen’s friend, Katie, who is over on holiday from the UK. Jen and her husband Alistair have moved over from the UK as well, and they have been here a year now. Again it was nice to swap stories because Jen and Alistair also stayed in the apartments we are in when they came over. The Museum was really interesting, and it was refreshing to be in a museum where there were signs telling you to please touch everything! I had great fun on the mock up ship that brought immigrants to Oz, looking through the drawers of things they brought with them! It was strange to be in a museum that has a history that doesn’t date back very far! After a couple of hours in the museum we went for lunch on the South Bank, where I had left my bike, and then left them to head back to Port Melbourne and me to South Yarra.

Thursday night I had my second blind date of the day! I have been chatting with a couple of girls on the Ex-Pats website and we arranged to meet at The Coffee Club on Chapel Street. It’s a bit of a strange set up when you are going to meet two girls for coffee that you’ve never met before, so it was with nervous anticipation that I walked through the door. I was instantly relieved when I saw Jo and Gill in the window and they appeared normal!!! An hour and a half later we were still nattering, but we left to feed our other halves and said we’d make plans to meet up again the following week, partners included. I met Darren for food in a bar down the road and it was a really good night all round.

So, I had gone from feeling lonely, to having 3 girlie get togethers! Obviously I can’t call them friends yet and even if they became friends, it would still take a while for them to become ‘mates’, but it was really nice to have a natter as only females do when they get together and to at least feel like Darren and my brother and family are not the only people I know!!! I obviously don’t have any photos as they might have thought I was some crazy stalker if I had whipped out the camers the first time I met them!!!

And from girls' things to boys' stuff! Sunday we were off to the MOTO GP and I think that Mark surprised himself when he realized just how early he had booked the coaches to get us there. The coaches were due to leave Federation Square 6am-7am and because the trains wouldn’t be running that early on a Sunday morning, he stayed at our apartment Saturday night – he even brought his own blow up bed! We took him to an Irish pub on Chapel Street – Bridie O’Reilly’s and we were amazed by how strict the bouncers were. They scan your id before you are allowed in. Well I guess if people know that their details are captured then they are not likely to cause any sort of trouble! After a couple of drinks we decided that it was time for an early night before our early start the next day!!!

Sunday, we were up and out of the apartment before the sun was up, and headed off to Phillip Island. Once we were there, there was so much to do! I was very glad because we were there about 8.30am and the main race wasn’t until 4pm! I’m probably not the best person to be writing this, and I’m sure that boys will be horrified by my lack of knowledge of what was going on, but I was happy with the freebies (a blow up cushion that turned out to be a godsend waiting between races, and a stubbie holder for my beer!) and the fact that I got Troy’s autograph! Troy who? Exactly!

MotoX trick riders!

Celebration of Valentino Rossi's 100th GP victory

We watched the main 125cc, 250cc, Superbikes and the MOTO GP on turn 12, which apparently is the hairiest turn of the track where the riders have to make the call as to whether or not to brake. It was all very exciting and you can feel the noise of the bikes vibrating through you. There was a bit of hanging around between races, but only really just enough time to grab some food or a drink and it was really well organized.

Valentio Rossi - managed to catch him!

After the races had finished (Stoner – an aussie won the MOTO GP, our English lad, Toseland, messed it up at the start by going to early!), we went onto the track for some piccies!

Our turn on the track!

And then it was back on the coach to Federation Square and the train back to South Yarra.  Mark picked up his stuff and then Darren and I headed to a '50's Diner for burger and chips sat at a booth next to Elvis!  Great end to a great weekend!

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