Tuesday 6 October 2009

First week in Melbourne

Our first week in Melbourne has been great! Mark, Emma, Mabel and Kieran have been the perfect hosts – giving us the info we need and making sure we’re comfortable while at the same time letting us do everything we want and ferrying us around to do it!

The first morning was spent doing grown up things like activating bank accounts, getting new mobile numbers, applying for Medicare etc. And I of course had to get some essentials – hairdryer, hair straighteners etc But in the afternoon Mabel and Kieran took us to ‘the fort’ so that they could show us how they can ride their bikes., and to play in a park that is perfect for little ones.

Another day we went to Melbourne Zoo, which I very much wanted to do while we were staying with Mark and Emma, so that we had the kids as an excuse to go! Because it was half term there was a bit of a queue to get in, but once inside it was worth it. The zoo itself is really well laid out and the day flew by! I was going to put photos of the animals on here, but I thought the other little monkeys were far more interesting!!!

For the rest of the week Darren and I returned to our favourite places from our last visit in February – Ricketts Point for a late breakfast, Black Rock for lunch, Watercress in Black Rock for dinner, Federation Wharf in the City for lunch. Sounds like all we did was eat! We didn’t eat out all the time though – one night Mark put some snags on the barbie while Darren supervised!!!

One day Darren went into Axa to meet some of the people he will be working with. He seemed really excited and came out with good reports about them all – and we’ve been asked to his new bosses home for a bbq at the end of the month. A few people that he will be working with are also from the UK so it will be nice to socialise with people who are doing the same thing we are. While Darren was in Axa I went to City Square where the FoxTel Lap was in progress. From what I gather there were 42 tread mills and people run on them for 30 mins and the idea is to do as many laps as possible (of what I’m not sure) over the course of the event for charity. Unfortunately I didn’t have my running shoes with me, so I got a coffee and sat and watched them. While I was watching them a man in a suit who was far too tanned and had teeth that were far too white and straight came and said g’day and asked how I was going. Next thing people are asking to have their photo taken with him so I’m guessing he’s a FoxTel presenter! I guess I might find out when I start watching FoxTel!

On our last night with Mark and Emma they got a babysitter and we went out with Emma’s cousin, Cara, and her husband, Kris, to a pub in Sandringham. It has newly opened and aparently it is rare to find a ‘pub’ in Melbourne. Although we came over for the sunshine lifestyle the day had been a bit chilly, and the night was even chillier! So we sat by a log fire which all felt a bit strange being in Australia and all that! Cara and Kris are really lovely and very easy to talk to and we had a really nice last night in Bayside.

Our last morning with the Perry’s was spent with more bike riding, mending a trailer tent (long story!) and then a lovely lunch out in the garden. We all then piled into the car (6 people and all our stuff!) and drove to South Yarra where we will be staying in Serviced Apartments until the end of October. And they are fabulous! After a quick look round the apartment (balcony, washing machine and tumble dryer, equiped kitchen….) and dropping the bags off we walked to the Royal Botanical Gardens for an ice cream and to wear the kids out with a run-around (it worked a treat – Darren, Mabel and Kieran played nicely while the grown ups could have a natter!).

After we’d waved the Perry’s on their way it was just the two of us again (I know Mark and co aren’t far away, but still). We explored the luxury of our apartment and then went for a wander up Chapel Street to find our bearings. We stopped for coffee in the Jam Factory and then stocked up with some necessities from the Supermarket. It was getting late by then so we ordered a curry (which they delivered to the room!) and had a couple of VB stubbies in front of the telly! :o)

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