Tuesday 27 October 2009

Birthday Booy!

Monday morning, Darren's birthday and I think he's feeling his age! Trying to hide the fact that he was hobbling he did admit that his legs were a little stiff after the footie - well it's been a couple of years since he's played!!! Unfortunately Darren has had to work on his birthday, but I cycled into the city to meet him for lunch. On the way I stopped on the South Bank for a while, when a ute pulled up full of iced coffee and music playing. I got a free coffee and then they asked if they could take photos of me with the promo girls! Very strange experience! Lunch was lovely, although not long enough, and Darren went back to the office laden with muffins for the underwriting team! I went back down to the South Bank to get my bike to cycle home, and was interviewed by MX (a vox pox newspaper) and they took a headshot picture to put in an issue - again a strange experience - seems like a day for those!

When the birthday booy got in from work, we got on our bikes and cycled down to the South Bank where we went to Federation Wharf. There's a really nice bar on the river that has a bbq and does fabulous hotdogs (Chilli, duck or lamb). The sun was still shining and the Riverside was really busy and we realised that had we been in the Uk Darren's birthday would only just be beginning! After eating, we walked to the Crown Plaza and went to the cinema to see 'Couples Retreat' - Gold Class! Gold Class is a cinema where there are only 28 seats that are set out in couples and the seats are like massive arm chairs! The seats also recline back until you are lying down - bliss! We didn't go for it, but they can also bring you a 3 course meal throughout the film! We just went for a beer and a glass of wine instead!  Really nice to be able to kick your shoes off and settle into a reclining arm chair to watch the film with a drink - and I managed to stay awake!  After the film we walked back along the South bank and saw the city all lit up - very pretty - and then cycled back to the apartments. I'm happy to celebrate Darren's birthday any day of the year!!!

Meeting, Eating and Sweet Feeting!

On Monday, as a welcome to the team, the Chief Underwriter took Darren and I, Darren’s boss and four of the ladies on the underwriting team out to lunch at a lovely Italian restaurant. The restaurant was off one of the main streets and down some stairs – the sort of place that we would never have found unless someone had recommended it. The food was lovely, and the people were really nice and as I didn’t have to go back to work I was able to indulge in a glass of wine. The water came in a really cool bottle and so we asked for the cap so that I could take it home with me! I don’t think I embarrassed Darren too much because one of the other girls took one too! When they went back to work I went to the South Bank to finish my book and collect my bike before heading back to the apartment.

On Tuesday I headed to Brighton Beach for a picnic lunch with Emma, Kieran and Mark (who joined us for his lunch break). Kieran and I had a lovely time throwing broken shells into the sea because apparently if you throw broken ones in the sea fixes them! It’s tiring work though trying to fix all those shells!

Wednesday night I had arranged for us to go out to dinner with two other couples.  I had met the girls for a coffee already, but it would be the first time that the boys met so I was a little bit nervous about the whole thing.  As it turned out, I needn't have worried because the boys got on really well, and I got on as well with the girls as I had done the week before.  We met for a drink in a really nice bar and then went to the 'Thai Kingdom' for dinner.  There weren't any difficult pauses in conversation and the food was really nice - plus the ladies got a complimentary glass of bubbly so can't complain!  After food, we went to the Irish pub for another drink so it seems that no one was desperate to get away!  When we left, the boys had arranged to play 5-aside footie on Sunday and the girls had arranged a girls' night out on Wednesday!  Successful night all round I think!

As an aside, we heard news that the ship with our container on should arrive in Melbourne a little earlier than expected, despite leaving the UK a week late!  It will still take time to get through customs and things, but we are now hoping our stuff will be with us early December rather than Christmas!!!  Here's some pictures of the actual ship that our stuff is on - although they're not pictures of the ship with our stuff on!

Saturday we went to a barbie at the home of Darren's boss, Alistair.  They live in Port melbourne and after several 'discussions' over exactly who had forgotten the map, we gave Alistair a call for directions!  Their house is lovely and we spent a lovely afternoon and evening sat out in the courtyard with good food, good company and too many bubbles!  The barbie was being held to celebrate the fact that they have been in Australia for a year now.  Most people there were expats and it was nice to meet people who are happy being here and who have gone through the same stuff that we are going through.  Everyone got on really well and we are hoping to meet up with some of them again which is nice.  Darren's birthday is Monday and they brought out a chocolate cake with candles on for him and sang happy birthday - nice touch!

Sunday night was 5-aside footie night and I went along to support - turns out I was the only supporter!  It was nice to meet the lads though and they seem like a really nice bunch!  They didn't start off to well - but considering they had only just met, they improved really quickly and started to look like a team (team name being 'The Mighty Poms in Oz'.  When the score was 6-0 to the opposition in the first half I feared for their self respect, but they pulled it together and the final score was 12-8.  Not the win they were hoping for, but Darren scored 4 of the 8 goals so he was chuffed.  His 'sweet feet' didn't let him down!  Think this is going to become a regular fixture for Sunday nights now!

Sunday 18 October 2009

Girls' Things and Boys' Stuff

Wednesday was the first day that I’ve had a quiet day and had nothing in particular to do, and to be perfectly honest it was a bit of a lonely day. If I had been at home in England I probably would have been more than content to have a veg day infront of the telly, but here I felt a bit strange with nowhere to go and the apartment not feeling like ‘home’. To cure all, I went shopping on Chapel Street, but even that didn’t really snap me out of it!

So, I was really pleased that there was a cinema night planned in the evening for the girls. I met Emma at Middle Brighton train station, and we walked down to Florentine (a restaurant) where we had a glass of wine and met up with four other ladies. It was really nice to meet other women who had also moved over from the UK (one from France), and to swap stories and hear about how everyday life is in Brighton. We then went to the cinema to see ‘Mao’s Last Dancer’ in a cinema where the seats are very plush (velvet, no flip up seats!), and although it wouldn’t have been my choice of film, it was really good and a nice way to switch off from the real world for a bit. After the movie finished, we agreed that we should do it again soon, and I caught the train back to South Yarra. It was a bit strange getting the train on my own at night, but the transport here is so good and in no time at all I was back to annoy Darren with chatter about the evening! I think he’d enjoyed the peace and quiet, and had chatted with his parents on Skype while I was out.

While I had been at the cinema, I had received a text from the wife of Darren’s boss asking if I would like to meet here the following day at the Immigration Museum. It felt like a bit of a blind date, but I met her (Jen), 3 month old Finn, and Jen’s friend, Katie, who is over on holiday from the UK. Jen and her husband Alistair have moved over from the UK as well, and they have been here a year now. Again it was nice to swap stories because Jen and Alistair also stayed in the apartments we are in when they came over. The Museum was really interesting, and it was refreshing to be in a museum where there were signs telling you to please touch everything! I had great fun on the mock up ship that brought immigrants to Oz, looking through the drawers of things they brought with them! It was strange to be in a museum that has a history that doesn’t date back very far! After a couple of hours in the museum we went for lunch on the South Bank, where I had left my bike, and then left them to head back to Port Melbourne and me to South Yarra.

Thursday night I had my second blind date of the day! I have been chatting with a couple of girls on the Ex-Pats website and we arranged to meet at The Coffee Club on Chapel Street. It’s a bit of a strange set up when you are going to meet two girls for coffee that you’ve never met before, so it was with nervous anticipation that I walked through the door. I was instantly relieved when I saw Jo and Gill in the window and they appeared normal!!! An hour and a half later we were still nattering, but we left to feed our other halves and said we’d make plans to meet up again the following week, partners included. I met Darren for food in a bar down the road and it was a really good night all round.

So, I had gone from feeling lonely, to having 3 girlie get togethers! Obviously I can’t call them friends yet and even if they became friends, it would still take a while for them to become ‘mates’, but it was really nice to have a natter as only females do when they get together and to at least feel like Darren and my brother and family are not the only people I know!!! I obviously don’t have any photos as they might have thought I was some crazy stalker if I had whipped out the camers the first time I met them!!!

And from girls' things to boys' stuff! Sunday we were off to the MOTO GP and I think that Mark surprised himself when he realized just how early he had booked the coaches to get us there. The coaches were due to leave Federation Square 6am-7am and because the trains wouldn’t be running that early on a Sunday morning, he stayed at our apartment Saturday night – he even brought his own blow up bed! We took him to an Irish pub on Chapel Street – Bridie O’Reilly’s and we were amazed by how strict the bouncers were. They scan your id before you are allowed in. Well I guess if people know that their details are captured then they are not likely to cause any sort of trouble! After a couple of drinks we decided that it was time for an early night before our early start the next day!!!

Sunday, we were up and out of the apartment before the sun was up, and headed off to Phillip Island. Once we were there, there was so much to do! I was very glad because we were there about 8.30am and the main race wasn’t until 4pm! I’m probably not the best person to be writing this, and I’m sure that boys will be horrified by my lack of knowledge of what was going on, but I was happy with the freebies (a blow up cushion that turned out to be a godsend waiting between races, and a stubbie holder for my beer!) and the fact that I got Troy’s autograph! Troy who? Exactly!

MotoX trick riders!

Celebration of Valentino Rossi's 100th GP victory

We watched the main 125cc, 250cc, Superbikes and the MOTO GP on turn 12, which apparently is the hairiest turn of the track where the riders have to make the call as to whether or not to brake. It was all very exciting and you can feel the noise of the bikes vibrating through you. There was a bit of hanging around between races, but only really just enough time to grab some food or a drink and it was really well organized.

Valentio Rossi - managed to catch him!

After the races had finished (Stoner – an aussie won the MOTO GP, our English lad, Toseland, messed it up at the start by going to early!), we went onto the track for some piccies!

Our turn on the track!

And then it was back on the coach to Federation Square and the train back to South Yarra.  Mark picked up his stuff and then Darren and I headed to a '50's Diner for burger and chips sat at a booth next to Elvis!  Great end to a great weekend!

Thursday 15 October 2009

Running and renting

Sunday 11th October – the day of the St George’s Melbourne Marathon and we were taking part! Ok so we were only doing 5km of it, but it was still exciting to be a part of it! We got on the train at South Yarra and more by luck than judgement we were on the same train as Mark, Emma, Mabel, Kieran and their friend Sue and her two children. Sue’s husband was doing the full marathon so they had all come along to support him, and us. We got off the train at the next stop (Richmond) and made our way to the MCG. The Marathon, half marathon, 10km and 5km runs all end with a lap of the MCG so walking into the MCG there was a great atmosphere.

Darren and I left the others and made our way to Batman Avenue (great name!) where our run was due to start. There were celebrities that we’ve never heard of and an awful lot of people lining up at the start line – and we were off! We had decided to run together and not have a race and I was the pacemaker. Apparently I set a fast pace, but it was a really hot day so I think I just wanted to get it over with! The final lap of the MCG was the best bit, with lots of support, and in remarkably quick time we crossed the finish line! I was really impressed as I was the 128th female to cross the line, and we did a net time of just under 22 minutes which is by far a personal best, especially as it was apparently 5.5km!

We met back up with our supporters and then headed back to Chapel Street. Darren and I grabbed a quick shower and then we all got the train back too Cheltenham and headed to Ricketts Point for a real aussie Barbie at the beach. They have public bbqs where you can cook your food so we cooked some burgers to refuel after the morning exertions! While we were cooking, the skies clouded over and it suddenly got really windy, but in no time it cleared again and it was a really hot sunny afternoon. There were about 7 families that joined the gathering, with various people having done various distances in the marathon and it was a really nice way to meet a few more people and relax. Don’t be fooled by the picture of Darren at the bbq – I did the cooking!!!! Paul and Paul had done the full marathon and their wives (Sue and Nat) had brought a fabulous chocolate cake and pink bubbly to toast the runners – we were only too happy to indulge!

Monday I cycled into the city to try and buy a cheap suit jacket and a cheap pair of shoes – only to find that such things don’t exist! I really missed being able to pop into town and go to the shops that I know will sell me what I want. I also miss the clothes that I know are on their way but won’t be here for a long while yet! We also found out on Monday that paperwork pending we have got the property that we had put an application in for.

Tuesday I went into the bank to get the bankers drafts for the bond and the first month’s rent and went to Brighton for the afternoon. Darren met me in Brighton after work and we went into the Estate Agents to complete the paperwork and sign the lease for our property. Whoop, whoop – it’s ours! There was a lot of interest in the property and we were lucky to get it. The fact that we were with a relocation agent swung it for us – thank you Elite Executive Services! So here’s the Estate Agent blurb on our property:

“Modern boutique apartment just minutes to Bay Street's cafes & shops and the beach is not far away! Comprising: 2 double bedrooms with BIR's, high quality Smeg granite kitchen, impressive living & dining with gas fireplace and customised picture windows, designer white-on-marble bathroom. Features include: Front private courtyard, rear deck with access from both bedrooms, parquetry flooring, strong architectural feel, gas heating and air conditioning, secure auto 2 car basement garaging plus lift access & video intercom access.”

We move in on October 31st and we’re so glad that it’s sorted – one less thing to think about!

Sunday 11 October 2009

First Week on Chapel Street

It’s been a busy old week what with one thing or another, but I’ll try and tell you about a few things that have gone on!

First and foremost – we LOVE the apartments we are staying in!!!! And they are made even better by the fact that it’s Axa’s treat – so thank you Axa!!!! We’ve got everything we could need, and even some luxuries we don’t – like heated lights in the bathroom for when you get out of the bath/shower! We are being spoilt and I think it will be a shock when we leave at the end of the month with just our suitcases again!

Our first morning on Chapel Street (Sunday) we went for a wander to find somewhere for breakfast. We found Café Sienna, which was recommended by Kris and Cara and had a lovely late breakfast. It was really busy and had a really nice atmosphere, so fully fed we headed further up Chapel Street. It was about 11am and Darren commented that there were bouncers on the doors of a nightclub already – starting early we thought! Until we saw some people staggering out of the door and struggling to find their shades to shield their eyes from the sun! Party people indeed! We then walked further and discovered Prahran Market (lovely fresh, local produce), and mooched around the shops for a bit. We also got me a great bike – you are able to barter the price of things here so we got a really good deal for the bike, helmet, lights, bottle cage and bottle, lock – everything I need to get me on the road!!! Yay- I’m mobile!!!

Monday was Darren’s first day at his new office! All dressed up in his new city gear I went with him into the city and waved him into the office like a proud mum at the school gates!!! He wouldn’t let me take his picture outside the office, but he did let me take some before we left the apartment.

While Darren was at work, I went to a group interview at the Flagstaff City Inn hotel for a store job at Lorna Jane, my favourite sports shop. I found it half an hour earlier than I needed to be there and was surprised to see girls waiting when I took a look inside! There were about 30 girls in the first group – they were all young and the majority tennis coaches, personal trainers and dance teachers. As you can imagine I felt a bit out of place! The two hour interview involved lots of team work and presentations. Me and two other girls did a presentation on community and I got two of us on our hands and knees with the third girl balancing on our backs – human pyramid stylie. It was to represent the wider community supporting the individual – genius!!!!! Anyway, I left the interview wondering what on earth had just happened – it was just for a store job for goodness sake!!! To my surprise they rang me in the evening to ask if I would be interested in a store manager or assistant manager job in their new store due to open next week!!! I’ve turned it down because it’s not on a train route, but I was still chuffed that I did ok in the interview!!!!

So now I’m looking for a proper job :o(

Anyhow, Darren enjoyed his first day and came home armed with a bottle of wine from his new team and an invite for me to join the team for a lunch in a couple of weeks and an invite to a Barbie to meet some more people in a couple of weekends time – marvelous!

One day while Darren was at school I went off on my new bike to Dight Falls. It’s just over 11km away along the River Yarra so it was a nice route and a good run out for my bike! It was a beautiful day, but as soon as I got there the heavens opened and I found some shelter! The rain didn’t last long and when it stopped I headed back to the apartment in beautiful sunshine again!

Wednesday morning Emma and Kieran caught the train to South Yarra where I met them and we went for tea at the Oriental Tea House. Kieran seemed very excited to see me, but I think he might have been more excited about the trip on the train!!! Tea was all very civilized and afterwards we had a look around the shop and tasted some more of the teas. Emma and I suddenly realized that we hadn’t heard Kieran for a while and we saw him just in time to stop him removing a very expensive china tea set from a cabinet! We left shortly after! It was a really nice morning and we’re hoping to make meeting a regular occurrence!

The rest of my week has mainly been spent walking…..and walking! I’ve had a really good time just getting to know my whereabouts! Thursday afternoon I caught a train and a tram to Port Melbourne where Darren and his boss met me just as I’d settled at a café for a flat white (Australian version of a white coffee!). Darren and I then caught the train back to South Yarra where we went out for dinner on Chapel Street. We are spoilt for choice as to where to go, but we opted for $5 pizzas in a trendy bar – nice to have it all on our doorstep!

Friday afternoon I went to the MCG to pick up race showbags for the Melbourne Marathon because Darren and I are running 5km of it on Sunday! Then Friday night we went into the city again and met up with Mark and Kris for the football at the Ethiad Stadium. We were on level 3 so we were quite high up and the stadium is amazing! It was Melbourne Victory against Sydney FC and the standard of fooball was appalling so I’m told. I was more interested in the fact that the supporters have really organized chanting and are all in time and seem to coordinate themselves with different areas around the stadium! That and the fact that I could have a glass of wine while watching it!!! The score was a disappointment – 3-0 in Sydney’s favour – but we had a really good night anyway. I think Kris summed it up when he said that maybe we should try a different sport next time!

And that brings us to today! Today we spent the day with a relocation agent viewing properties so that we can find somewhere to spend the next year! I felt a bit like we were on ‘Relocation, Relocation, Relocation’, minus the cameras and Kirstie and Phil! They have a system where each house is open for inspection for 15 minutes, so everyone who’s interested looks at the property at the same time. After looking at 6 properties we found our favourite and have put in an application for it. I’m not going to say anything about it for fear of jinxing it! There were a lot of people interested so we are in competition for it! Watch this space…….

Tuesday 6 October 2009

First week in Melbourne

Our first week in Melbourne has been great! Mark, Emma, Mabel and Kieran have been the perfect hosts – giving us the info we need and making sure we’re comfortable while at the same time letting us do everything we want and ferrying us around to do it!

The first morning was spent doing grown up things like activating bank accounts, getting new mobile numbers, applying for Medicare etc. And I of course had to get some essentials – hairdryer, hair straighteners etc But in the afternoon Mabel and Kieran took us to ‘the fort’ so that they could show us how they can ride their bikes., and to play in a park that is perfect for little ones.

Another day we went to Melbourne Zoo, which I very much wanted to do while we were staying with Mark and Emma, so that we had the kids as an excuse to go! Because it was half term there was a bit of a queue to get in, but once inside it was worth it. The zoo itself is really well laid out and the day flew by! I was going to put photos of the animals on here, but I thought the other little monkeys were far more interesting!!!

For the rest of the week Darren and I returned to our favourite places from our last visit in February – Ricketts Point for a late breakfast, Black Rock for lunch, Watercress in Black Rock for dinner, Federation Wharf in the City for lunch. Sounds like all we did was eat! We didn’t eat out all the time though – one night Mark put some snags on the barbie while Darren supervised!!!

One day Darren went into Axa to meet some of the people he will be working with. He seemed really excited and came out with good reports about them all – and we’ve been asked to his new bosses home for a bbq at the end of the month. A few people that he will be working with are also from the UK so it will be nice to socialise with people who are doing the same thing we are. While Darren was in Axa I went to City Square where the FoxTel Lap was in progress. From what I gather there were 42 tread mills and people run on them for 30 mins and the idea is to do as many laps as possible (of what I’m not sure) over the course of the event for charity. Unfortunately I didn’t have my running shoes with me, so I got a coffee and sat and watched them. While I was watching them a man in a suit who was far too tanned and had teeth that were far too white and straight came and said g’day and asked how I was going. Next thing people are asking to have their photo taken with him so I’m guessing he’s a FoxTel presenter! I guess I might find out when I start watching FoxTel!

On our last night with Mark and Emma they got a babysitter and we went out with Emma’s cousin, Cara, and her husband, Kris, to a pub in Sandringham. It has newly opened and aparently it is rare to find a ‘pub’ in Melbourne. Although we came over for the sunshine lifestyle the day had been a bit chilly, and the night was even chillier! So we sat by a log fire which all felt a bit strange being in Australia and all that! Cara and Kris are really lovely and very easy to talk to and we had a really nice last night in Bayside.

Our last morning with the Perry’s was spent with more bike riding, mending a trailer tent (long story!) and then a lovely lunch out in the garden. We all then piled into the car (6 people and all our stuff!) and drove to South Yarra where we will be staying in Serviced Apartments until the end of October. And they are fabulous! After a quick look round the apartment (balcony, washing machine and tumble dryer, equiped kitchen….) and dropping the bags off we walked to the Royal Botanical Gardens for an ice cream and to wear the kids out with a run-around (it worked a treat – Darren, Mabel and Kieran played nicely while the grown ups could have a natter!).

After we’d waved the Perry’s on their way it was just the two of us again (I know Mark and co aren’t far away, but still). We explored the luxury of our apartment and then went for a wander up Chapel Street to find our bearings. We stopped for coffee in the Jam Factory and then stocked up with some necessities from the Supermarket. It was getting late by then so we ordered a curry (which they delivered to the room!) and had a couple of VB stubbies in front of the telly! :o)