Sunday 24 April 2011

Surreal and yet so real!

We wanted to go away for Easter and were undecided where to go, so we had a look at where the Melbourne Rebels were playing their away game so that we could tie a trip away with seeing them play - Auckland it was then!

We flew from Melbourne on April 21st, and arrived at our hotel in time to go out for a lovely Thai meal, and then back to the hotel for drinks at the bar. We hadn't planned it, but turned out we were staying in the same hotel as the players! There were a few walking in and out of the hotel reception, but when we saw Greg Somerville I couldn't resist a photo opportunity!  

Greg adds All-Black class and experience to the Rebels front-row. Greg was capped 66 times between 2000-2008, a record for an All-Black prop, and was selected at both sides of the scrum, testament to his technique and versatility in the most technical of positions.  In Super Rugby, Greg was a fixture in the tight-five of the all-conquering Crusaders during their title winning seasons of 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2008. He holds fifteenth place in the all-time Super Rugby appearance standings, with 116 and counting.
But we know him from the English Premiership powerhouse Gloucester, where he had been since 2008.

Me and Greg Somerville!
On the Friday morning we went down to the harbour to do a bit of sight-seeing around the viaduct harbour, and then back to the hotel, which was right by the Sky City Tower before heading off to the game.
Luckily there was a free bus to the ground, so it was no trouble getting to North Harbour Stadium.

We felt a bit out-numbered with the Auckland Blues fans, but I still wore my Rebels top with pride and out-shouted some of them!  Unfortunately though, we lost 40-23.  The Good Friday match started on a solemn note, with both teams taking the field together in an ANZAC tribute. The Rebels also wore black armbands as a sign of respect for Nic Henderson, who was mourning a death in his family.  Once the match started, it looked like a typical Blues encounter. The Auckland side is known for its quick starts, and it didn’t take them long to get on the scoreboard. The clock had barely ticked over two minutes and the Blues had a 5-0 lead.  The Rebels had trouble getting anything going in attack, and ten minutes later, there was a second try and a 10-0 lead.  But the Rebels refused to give in, and were on the attack with the score at 23-17 at half time.  The Blues came out firing in the second half, but the Rebels continued to battle until it was 28-23.  It was anyone's game.  However, the Blues scored a try 6 minutes from time, with another in the last minute.

Despite losing, it was a great game to watch - if only for their mascot!  A blue-beard pirate on a segway with fireworks!

After the game, we got the free bus back to the hotel, and then had a drink in the bar - hoping to catch a glimpse of the players when their team bus brought them back.  While we were sat there, a group of men in suits and ties, with their wives dressed just as smart, came into the bar and came to join us.  They saw that I was wearing a Rebels top and Darren was wearing his Gloucester Rubgy top, and came to ask us what we thought of the game.  After they'd made themselves at home with us and the conversation wore on, we realised that they must be something to do with the club - turns out that one was Alan Winney, who's on the board, and another was Steven Boland, the Chief Operating Officer!

We saw Rod Macqueen, the director of Rugby and Head Coach arrive at the hotel, and before we knew it he, the two assistant coaches and the team manager were also joining us for drinks!  For a bit of background, Rod Macqueen is one of Australia’s most successful rugby union coaches. During his time as Wallabies coach, the team won 34 of their 43 matches and held the Bledisloe Cup, Tri-Nations Trophy and World Cup.  

While we were talking to the big-wigs, the players arrived so I had to run off and get a picture with Gareth Delve.  Gareth arrived in Melbourne after captaining Gloucester in the English Premiership. He is also a Welsh international and his eleven caps include two in last year’s Six-Nations tournament.  Gareth’s career began at Bath, where he was coached by Rebels Assistant Coach, Mark Bakewell.  Gareth is the first Welsh international to compete in Super Rugby.
Me and Gareth Delve!
And back to the bar!  It was getting late, and Steven said that he was going up to the team room in the hotel and that we should join him.  I don't think we really knew if he was joking or not, so we stayed with the assistant coach (Damien Hill) and team manager (Scott Harrison) to finish our drinks.  When the bar manager came to tell us that the bar was closing if we wanted last orders, Damien said that he was going to the team room and asked what we were doing - to which I replied that we were also going to the team room!  He hadn't heard Steven invite us up so he was a bit wary of letting us in so told us to be prepared to be turned away!

We got out of the lift on the 6th floor, and were greeted by a couple of players playing table tennis and the team medic clearing away a physio table.  We waited there while Damien went into the Victoria Room to check that it was ok for us to go in.  While we were waiting, Darren introduced me as the Table Tennis Champion of the Dominican Replublic 2001!  Thank goodness Richard Kingi wasn't interested otherwise I could have looked a bit silly when I lost!

And yes we were allowed in, and to be honest I was a bit scared going in the door!  But Rod was lovely and pulled up chairs for us at his table with Steven Boland and the skills coach Nathan Grey.  Nathan played 35 Tests over 7 years for the Wallabies, appearing in the 1999 and 2003 World Cup squads.  Nathan started his career with the Queensland Reds and holds the record as the most capped centre with the NSW Waratahs. Upon finishing the 2004 season with the NSW Waratahs, Nathan played in Japan with Kyushu Electric Power Company’s team, Kyuden.

So anyway, I could tell you all their histories, and all we talked about, but I'm sure it's not really of interest to anyone but us!  But I will share the photos of what was the most surreal few hours ever!  If it wasn't for the photos I don't think I'd believe that we were in there having a drink with the players while they were playing cards just a few hours before they had to check out to fly back to Melbourne!  Before he left, Steven Boland gave Darren his email address and promised us a seat in the Weary Dunlop box at the next home game - we'll see.....

Richard Kingi, me and Nathan Grey
Rodney Blake, Darren, Stirling Mortlock (Captain), me, Hoani Macdonald, Jarrod Saffy
Same table as above, but the one with the nasty black eye is Julian Huxley
Danny Cipriani, James Hilgendorf, Heath Tessmann, me, Laurie Weeks, Nick Phipps, Hugh Pyle
Me and Danny Cipriani

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