Saturday 2 April 2011

Australian Grand Prix 2011

Can't believe that it's a year ago that we took mum and dad to the Grand Prix - the past year has flown!  Last year we had general admission tickets, but this year we went posh and had Grandstand tickets for the Webber stand.

We met Mark and Kieran at our seats - and Kieran had already worn himself out with all the excitement!

With ear muffs on - he looked the business!

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day - perfect for bubbles in between races!

We were treated to a pre-race ariel display, which really was impressive!
Black Hawk

Qantas plane - no 380s available apparently!
And then the excitement built just before the big race........

........and Kieran slept through most of it on daddy's lap!  He did wake up at one point though to ask 'Did a car just take over Roary (the race car)?!)

As with most of these sporting events, I go for the atmosphere rather than the sport, but here's a summary of the results:

World champion Sebastian Vettel driving a Red Bull won the season-opening Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on Sunday.
Vettel beat Lewis Hamilton in a McLaren by 22.2 seconds with Russian Vitaly Petrov in a Lotus Renault third.
It was Vettel's 11th win in his 63rd GP after he became the youngest F1 world driver's champion last year.
Ferrari's Fernando Alonso missed out on the podium in fourth place, while Vettel's Australian team-mate Mark Webber finished fifth for the third time in his home GP.

So the race all over we headed to St Kilda for dinner, and an amazing sunset!

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