Saturday 27 February 2010

My first Summer birthday!

It normally snows on my birthday.....not this year!

Unfortunately I had to work on my birthday, but we went in late so that I didn't have to rush opening my cards and prezzies - yay!  I felt a bit like I was on 'I'm a Celebrity' or 'Big Brother' receiving 'messages from home'... but it was lovely to get so many lovely gifts and cards from everyone .....thank you!  Soph sent a massive bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, so needless to day I was more than happy with that particular present!!!  And Louise sent a t-shirt with a message printed on it from an 'in-joke' back home that really made me smile!

We left work just after 5pm and it was 32.5 degrees!!!  Lovely!  We went for a wonderful Thai meal in the Docklands and then walked from there along the South Bank to the Botanical Gardens for Shakespeare in the park.  We went last year when we were over here on holiday and I really wanted to go again this year.  When I'd mentioned it to Darren he'd turned his nose up, so I told him that if we didn't go then I wanted a surprise for my birthday and it had to be better!  He had been telling me that the surprise might be that there was no surprise, but he was a star and had booked the tickets for us!  I did manage to spoil the surprise though by checking to see if I'd been paid and spotting the money going out for the tickets (oops!)...but I didn't know that we were going on my actual birthday!

It was a perfect night....really warm and clear, and it really was lovely to be watching Midsummer Night's Dream under the stars!  What a birthday treat!  I felt totally spoilt - I must have been a good girl!  You're not allowed to take pictures of the performance unfortunately, so the only one I have is of me with an ice cream during the interval!!!!!

Saturday night we went for a bar crawl in the city with friends which was lots of fun!  We've not really been to the city bars since we've been here so it was nice to find a few good ones.  The bars here are really just doors off the main streets where you go up stairs to the bars - a bit scary when you don't know where you're going, but fun in a group!  We went to a bar with lots of stuffed animals around the place which is quite surreal, and we also found a really nice rooftop bar with palm trees that felt quite tropical!  It felt a world away from the pubs back home!

Sunday we decided to head to the Coffee Club on Chapel Street for birthday cake - I do like to spread my birthday treats out!!!
I think it's safe to say that for my birthday this year I've pretty much had my cake and eaten it!!!

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