Saturday 20 February 2010

Feeling on top of the world!!!!

I guess it's about time I did an update....I haven't done it for a while because now that I'm working, day to day life is much the same as home - except the weather and surroundings are much nicer!!

So a round up of this week.....

Monday night was lovely!  Kelly and Dave, some friends from the UK are doing a road trip to Adelaide and were spending one night in Melbourne - so of course we met up with them.  We met at the Beachcomber, which is a bar right on the sea front at St Kilda.  It was a really sunny evening so we enjoyed a drink out on the deck there.

We then went to 'trendy' Acland Street for a fabulous Italian meal before heading our separate ways again.  It was really wierd to meet up with friends from home and just go for a meal on the other side of the world!  It was a lovely night - just a shame that it was only for one night!

The rest of the week was just a combination of work, a run on a very hot night, seeing Mark in between their road trip and a trip to Tassie, a Kimax class...and more work!  Work is going ok - what can I's work!

Saturday we decided it was time to do something touristy again as it was a beautiful day and seemed a shame to waste it!  So we headed to the Eureka Tower where there is the highest viewing platform in the Southern Hemisphere!  Anyone who knows me well will know that I am terrrified of heights and although it was something I really wanted to do, I was also a bit scared!  Luckily (sorry, unfortunately!), the 'edge experience' wasn't available, which is where you go in a glass cube 3 metres out over the edge of the building!

In 38 seconds you go up 88 floors (9 floors per second!), and from there you get the most awesome views of the city.  We picked the right day because, although very windy, it was a really clear day and could see for miles.  There's an outside terrace that you can go on where you are exposed to the outside elements 300 metres above ground - and like I say it was a very windy day!

Here are some of the views.....


Sunday and it's a day for the girls to do their thing and the boys to do theirs.  I met up with Diane and Josie in the city from where we make our way to South Melbourne to the St George just opposite the South Melbourne market.  We were lucky enough to get one of the sought after tables outside and all of us had the roast beef - the first roast I've had since leaving the UK!  It wasn't a patch on a home cooked roast, but it was nice enough and we had a lovely time.  Not quite full, we then went over to South Melbourne market for fabulous ice-creams!  Josie and I then got a tram to St Kilda and walked about four miles along the beach back home again!  Lovely!

In the evening Darren plays footie with the other halves of Josie and Diane - funny how the boys spend their time doing sport and the girls spend their time eating and chatting!

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