Saturday 28 November 2009

Naughty Booys!

We've been in Melbourne now for a couple of months so we thought that it was time that we visited one of the tourist attractions.  We opted to go to the Old Melbourne Gaol for the 'Crime and Justice Experience'.  The gaol was built between the 1840s and 1860s to house Victoria's growing criminal population and it's one of Victoria's oldest surviving buildings.  It's also where 135 people were hanged!  Some of Victoria's most notable characters - bushranger Ned Kelly, notorious gangster Squizzy Taylor and Ronald Ryan (the last man hanged in Australia) have all spent time within the gaol walls.

Enough of the history from the guide - here's our story!

We got to the gaol quite early and because there wasn't really anyone else there, Dudley (a man of many tales) adopted us and gave us the history of the gaol and what went on in each of the gaol buildings.  All very interesting, but we wanted to get on the first 'Watch House Experience' so we had to try and wind him up sharpish as it was due to start.  the 'Watch  House Experience' is a guided tour and interactive experience where you get arrested by a Charge Sergeant, get locked up in the cells and experience an environment unchanged since police and inmates left.  We didn't really know what to expect but it sounded like fun!

We made it to the Watch House on time, and Sergeant Rebecca Finch came out and shouted at everyone in the queue.  Once inside, she split us up into males and females and made us stand along the walls shoulder to shoulder.  She gave each of us a charge card which detailed who we were, what our crimes were and who our arresting officer was etc.  She shouted that we had to learn what was on our cards and that we'd better hurry as we only had a few minutes.  Although I knew that it was only a tour, I have to admit that the fact that she was in uniform and was shouting a lot without a hint of a smile scared me a bit!

Sergeant Finch then went behind the front desk and called us all in where we had to stand with our backs against the wall.  She told us a few do's and don'ts and asked a few people random questions.  I stood there looking across at Darren just hoping that I wouldn't be picked on or get a fit of the giggles.  Phew - questions finished and we'd escaped the wrath of Sergeant Finch....or so I thought!

They always pick on someone durin these things and of course that person was me.  I was called up to the desk and asked details about my charge - I was Kate Williams and I'd been arrested by Senior Officer Trinh for culpable driving.  Aparently I'd been aggressive and committed assault on arrest.  Did I have piercings, tattoo, drugs....all simple questions until she asked my age - that wasn't on my card so it threw me!  She took a few mug shots and I was able to retake my place against the wall - phew!

We were then led towards the cells where she checked our hands and the soles of our shoes for any concealment of contraband.  When she saw my wedding ring and engagement rings she laughed and said 'You won't keep then for long lady!'.  She took us to different cells depending on who had arrested us and slammed the doors and locked them shouting 'See you in the morning'.  After a few minutes she shouted 'Lights out!' and we were in darkness.  Not for long though - we were soon let out and we could continue the tour. 

When the tour was finished Sergeant Finch was no longer in character and as we left she said 'Have a good day', to which I replied 'Yes Sergeant' - I obviously was still in character!

We then went back into the gaol and looked around the small cells and saw the gallows where people had been hung.  It's a very dark and creepy place.  I think we were both glad to escape back out into the sunshine!

The gallows

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