Friday 20 November 2009

Settling into Brighton Bay

I know, I know, I've been a bit slack with the updates on here, but there's been lots going on and nothing in particular to say! 

We're settling nicely in Brighton!  Living 10 minutes walk to the beach and nothing on the telly is proving to be great as it means that sometimes when Darren gets home from work we make the effort to walk down to the beach and take in how lucky we are to be where we are.  Other nights we'll go for a walk up Church Street (full of shops and cafes), or, if it's not too hot we'll go running together!  One night this week we went out to a local Italian restaurant with 3 other couples which was very nice, and Sunday nights are still spent with the boys playing football and the girls getting together too!  Darren managed to get a round of golf in this weekend too - he hired some clubs and played 9 holes at Albert Park.

Darren seems to be getting on great at work - he had his Christmas Cocktail Party last week, which seemed most bizarre as most days it's been above 30 degrees!  Just doesn't seem like Christmas at all!  One day I was meeting a friend for a drink when she finished work, and I sat in City Square while I was waiting.  There is a massive christmas tree set against a backdrop of clear blue skies, and they had set a stage up in front of it with a fireplace and sofas on it.  I was enjoying the sunshine when next thing you know a band comes on and a guy starts singing 'It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.....'.  He was lying!

Anyway, the drink after work turned into a bottle of wine in Federation Square and a bottle of bubbly and some food on the South Bank!  Sarah managed to drop her knife on her lovely white top (I said you couldn't notice the pizza mark!) and I managed to break a champagne flute, so we decided it was time to call it a night on the great night we'd had!

Like I say, Darren is getting on well at work and they quite often go out for lunch together - they seem a sociable bunch.  Darren and his boss get on so well that he sometimes gets a text from him of a morning saying what colour shirt he's wearing!  Aparently the sending of a text is a lot less embarrassing that turning up in the same shirts!!!

I'm still busy trying to find work.  Each day I trawl through the jobs that have been listed since the previous day (normally nothing relevant), and I went into a recruitment agency last week to see if they can help me.  The meeting went really well and I came away thinking I would be working by now, but nothing has come of it so far.  To keep myself busy I've been meeting up with people so I'm making friends and not going out of my mind!  I've met Jen for lunch at St Kilda and Diane and I had an adventure to Brunswick Street, and generally my days are quite busy, give or take the odd dull day.  On dull days though I just look out the window at the sunshine and ask myself if I can really whinge about the fact that I've got nothing better to do than go to the beach!  It's been the hottest November that they'e had in over 100 years - reaching 38 degrees on some days!!!  Factor 30+ all the way for me and my pale skin!!!

I also went to a free yoga class down the road and I babysat my beautiful nephew Kieran one morning - I wouldn't get the chance to spend that sort of time with him back in the UK!  We had great fun playing with his farmyard and watching telly!  He had brought 'The Bee Movie' with him, and it was quite hard to explain that we couldn't watch it because we don't have a DVD player yet!  To him it was obvious what to do 'You just put it in the machine and it comes on!'.

Speaking of which, our stuff has arrived and is currently in a bonded warehouse waiting to be examined by customs!  We're hoping to have it released next week which is a lot sooner than we thought - we were hoping to have it by Christmas!  I can't wait til it arrives - oh to sit on a sofa!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hehehehe Kieran is looking very much 'at home' there!!
