Tuesday 29 September 2009

No Fixed Abode!

Friends are hard to say goodbye to – really hard (a few in particular) – but when you’re tired and emotional, it’s family that nearly make you abandon the whole idea of leaving. But it’s also family that support you when you’re feeling fragile, and make you realise that distance won’t make you any less close. So with a stiff upper lip (very British!), and the last hug we’ll have for a fair old while, we said goodbye.

Of course it wasn’t goodbye! Both Darren and I rang our parents again in the evening to check that they were ok, and to convince ourselves that we were ok, and to say goodbye again!

It was a very weird feeling to drive away from our empty house, knowing that we wouldn’t be returning for a long time, and knowing that someone else would be moving in in just a few days! Dan, Darren’s brother in-law was kind enough to take us to the airport and it was hard to say a final goodbye to him. With apprehension we made our way to the check in desk. I turned to Darren and said ‘Are you sure that we’re doing the right thing?’ to which he replied ‘Well we haven’t got any choice now have we!’. Not quite the reassurance I was looking for, but he had a point!!!

Bags checked in, final phone call home, there we were – just the two of us about to leave the country with no fixed abode!

Singapore here we come!!!!

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