Wednesday 1 January 2014

Ho Ho Hope You Had a Lovely Christmas!

The last door on the stain glass advent calendar was opened - it must be Christmas Eve!

The Christmas tree was up and decorated……..

……. and Rudolph was ready to help Santa:

Very excited on Christmas morning, and we were spoilt with presents - thank you everyone!  I had been nagging Darren for a dog for a while - so I got a toy one!  His name is Pickle!  I also got earrings  from Tiffany's and much, much more :)

In the morning I set up the magic tree…….

…….and made a snowman:

Christmas morning we went and got a coffee from our local bakery in Hampton, and went for a walk along the beach.

We headed back to start on the Christmas lunch!  It was a beautiful day and we were able to eat outside.  Lunch was a success - turkey dinner, complete with sprouts, followed by Christmas trifle!

After lunch (and a snooze!), we headed back down the beach for the tradition of swimming in the sea on Christmas Day!  It was a hot day, but the sea was still cold enough to take my breath away!  A glass of pink champagne and I was ready!  Darren went in up to his thighs and I think that was enough for him!

After the swim we headed back to find the snowman melted and the magic tree had grown!

We had a lovely quiet Christmas, but it was great to be able to Skype both sets of parents to finish the day.  We miss you all!  We hope you had a lovely Christmas too!

After out calls we went for a walk to see our neighbours' Christmas lights - Merry Christmas!

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