Sunday 14 November 2010

Australian Masters 2010

Yesterday we went to a sporting even that we haven't yet been to in Australia - the Australian Masters at the Victoria Golf Club.  All week, temperatures had been in the late twenties/early thirties, with beautiful sunny days, but following a storm the night before, we awoke to constant rain!  The forecast was for a month's rain in a day and 24 hour constant rain - marvellous!

Not to be deterred, Darren, Mark and I headed to the course - and Darren got to buy a new golf umbrella so he was chuffed!  The rain eased for a while - only to start again after lunch!  We perservered for quite a few hours, before calling it a day and heading  for a coffee to warm up!

Really good day though - the highlight for me being a freebie golf ball that doubled as a pair of binolulars!  So as you will see from these photos, the binoculars and Tiger Woods star, as he's the only golfer I really knew!  And the photos of Tiger aren't great, as obviously you can't take pictures when they're taking a shot!

 And we got to see a Kookaburra!

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