Friday 22 October 2010


We enjoyed the MOTOGP at Phillip Island so much last year, that we just had to go again!  Last year it was probably my favourite sporting event - a trip to Phillip Island, a beautiful day and a great atmosphere!  This year we had again got tickets for the Sunday - and on the Friday it absolutely poured with rain all day, and it wasn't much better on the Saturday - it wasn't looking good!

Saturday night we went to the Perry's for tea, and then Mark came to stay at ours for the night so that Mark, Darren and I could leave from our place for the early start on Sunday morning.  As the evening wore on, it became clear that Darren was not relishing the thought of standing in a muddy field, cold and wet all day.  Because it's at Phillip Island, the coaches drop you off around 8am and then don't leave until after 5pm - a long day if the weather is nasty as there's not much chance of shelter!

So Sunday morning, Darren dropped Mark and I off at the catch-a-coach point, and headed back to bed!

Not to be put off, Mark and I got off the coach in the rain, brolly in hand to walk around the course, ankle deep in mud!!!

It didn't take long for the rain to stop though, and after that it only rained for about 10 minutes just before lunch and then it turned into a lovely sunny afternoon.  Because it had been bad weather it meant that it wasn't so busy, so Mark and I could spend some time looking round the expo.  With a bit of coaxing Mark agreed to play 'Spin the Wheel' - and he's glad he did because he won the jackpot - $250 pair of motorbike gloves!  I on the other hand won a helmet bag - that will come in handy!  And I also got Cameron Donald's autograph (aparently he's famous!)

I would love to be able to tell you about the actual races, but unfortunately I was there for the day out rather than the racing!  So here's some pictures instead!

So what started off as a soggy day ended with me eating ice cream and going home with a sunburnt nose!   I can't remember the last time that Mark and I spent a day together, just us two.  As kids it's was always with mum and dad and as adults it's always been with our better halves.  So cheers, Mark - great day!!!!

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