Sunday 25 July 2010

Christmas in July!!!!

What a busy weekend!!! 

Friday night after work we go for drinks with someone that Darren works with who is leaving Axa.  He's moving to the UK and it kind of feels like we're swapping lives - it's not that long ago that we were feeling exactly the way he was as he says goodbye to his friends.  After wishing him well, Darren, Diane and I head to Festival Hall to see the amazing Kasabian - yet another British band that has come to Melbourne!  Excellent gig and home by midnight - it's too easy here!

Saturday night we go round to Gill and Chris's for Christmas in July!!!!  Yes, Christmas!  It's a funny thing here but they like to have a cold Christmas as well as the usual one - so they have two!  Gill and Chris had gone to town with the Christmas decorations, and we felt very welcome tucking into lovely food and generally being spoilt!!!

On Sunday, Mark, Emma, Mabel and Kieran arrive to pick us up bright and early at 7am for a day trip to Mount Baw Baw!  The drive is around 2.5 hours from Melbourne, and right up until entering the resort it's hard to believe that there will be snow!  But there was......and wrapped up warm there was plenty of fun to be had....

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