Saturday 2 January 2010

Chuck another snag on the barbie!

We've been in Oz for 3 months now and we still didn't have a bar-be-que, so we thought we'd treat ourselves with the money that my parents gave us for Christmas.  The trouble is that we don't have a car and most of the bbq places are out of the way/how would we get it back? 

We looked on the internet and saw that 'Barbeques Galore' were having a sale and there was a store in Richmond that we could get to on a train then tram.  It's not our closest store, but it was the easiest one to get to!  So off we set.

When we got there we found a barbie and a 7 piece dining set for the court yard pretty much straight away - the trouble was how to get it back?  The guy who served us, Ron, asked his boss if we could have it delivered but they only deliver locally so it was a no, no.  Ron said that he lived our way and could drop it off after work, but the trouble was how would it fit in his car?  Delivery costs are really high and he was doing his best to save us the expense.

So, because Ron is a legend, he said that he and Darren could go in his lunch hour and take the store van.  He chucked in some stuff for us free too, for cleaning the barbie and stuff  If I had something in my hand he told me to chuck it in the bag for free!  So Ron and Darren headed back to Brighton in the van while I did some shopping in Richmond and an hour later it was all delivered and Ron brought Darren back with him!

The next day we assembled the dining set and bbq which was a bit of a chore with no John Booy on speed dial to put it together for us!  But it seemed solid enough and that night we had our first bbq - Darren was the chef (didn't just supervise this time!) and we're still here to tell the tale!  First of many I feel!

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