Sunday 20 December 2009

Penguin Day!

Another weekend - yay - and we thought we'd make Saturday a penguin day!  We got a train to the city and made our way to the Melbourne Aquarium.  They have King and Gentoo penguins there, so we got to see some snow - although not as much as you have back home so we hear!  There were also, many weird and wonderful fish, jellyfish, sharks, stingrays and umpteen other sea creatures to keep us amused!  I couldn't resist popping my head up in a gold fish type thing to see the fish from the inside, as the picture shows!

We then headed to Brunswick Street in Fitzroy for some lunch before heading back to the apartment, grabbing a cake on the way, and then getting ready for a night out in St Kilda.

There is a bus that goes to St Kilda more or less right outside our apartment so it's a short trip to the hustle and bustle of trendy Acland Street.  St Kilda has a holiday feel to it and it attracts lots of backpackers so it's got a lot of great bars which are packed on a warm Winter's night!  We went for a meal at Abbey Road and waited for the sun to start setting.

At sunset we made our way along St Kilda pier to the end where there is a breakwater made of rocks.  It's here that Fairy penguins come in and find their nests in the rocks.  Unfortunately we didn't get any decent photos because flash photography isn't allowed.  Many people though do use their flashes and it's so annoying as they scare the penguins and spoil it for everyone else.  After seeing a few we made our way to the top of the rocks to get away from people fighting to get a better view.  We couldn't believe it when Darren spotted a cheeky little penguin there running along the path!

After seeing the penguins we went back to Acland Street to get the bus home, and as we were trying to cross the busy Esplanade two undercover police cars pulled a car over.  One of the most popular television shows over here is 'Highway Patrol', and when we saw the police cars I said to Darren 'I bet there's a camera crew in the second one'.  Sure enough, the camera crew hopped out, so I got my camera out too!  I was a bit scared to take close photos though incase I got arrested!!!!

Friday 18 December 2009


This week is always a busy week for birthdays but this year it's all the other way around!  Normally I don't get to see my brother on his birthday, but I do get to see my dad and Emma.

This year I got to take my brother out for a birthday lunch - the first time that that has ever happened!  It was a scorcher of a day (39 degrees!) and we met at the Brown Cow in Hampton.  And it was lovely!

Today, however is Jimmy and Emma's birthday and we don't get to see them so we've been feeling a bit home sick.  Posting my dad's card a week early seemed very strange and I came over all uneccessary in a shopping centre when I posted his card - I miss him!

We've managed to Skype them both to say 'Happy Birthday', but I just wanted to do this blog update to wish Jimmy and Emma a very happy birthday, and although we can't give you birthday kisses, we're thinking of you anyhow.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Just another Sunday!

Sundays are a little different over here to what they were back home and they are a real treat day for us!  Instead of the Sunday roast we used to have at home (which we do miss by the way!), we head off somewhere for a big brunch!

Today is the first Sunday of December, and the first one of the Summer, and it's a hot one!  We have a nice lie in and then get on the bikes and head in the direction of St Kilda.  We venture to the end of the pier (where aparently you can sometimes see penguins!) and find the St Kilda Pier Kiosk.  It's too hot to sit outside so we find a table inside and order a breakfast each.  It's at times like that that we agree we're lucky to be here - sat with lovely food on a beautiful day with a view of the sea and the esplanade of St Kilda.

After breakfast we walk back along the pier and mooch around the St Kilda Arts and Crafts market before heading down trendy Acland Street.  Before we go back to the bikes we stand and watch as people scream on the ricketty old rides at Luna Park!  One day we're going to brave them - but not today!

When we get back to the apartment we decide that there's still half a day left for us to enjoy so we get on a train to Chapel Street.  We get off at one end and by the time we get half way down we decide it's time to stop for coffee and a cake!  Cakes don't come in half measures here, so it's a large coffee and a humungous piece of Coffee Club Mud Cake!  Delicious yes, but you definitely know you've had it!  Sarah Lee's not a patch on this beauty!

So it's back to the apartment and Darren gets ready to cycle to footie and hopefully win with his 5-aside footie team - the Mighty Poms In Oz.  I on the other hand sit on the decking and catch the last of the sun with a Koala 'No Worries' tea!  Breakfast, cake and sunshine - what a struggle Sunday has been!