Saturday 30 July 2011

Happy Birthday Kieran!

I don't know where the five years have gone, but last weekend was my nephew Kieran's 5th birthday!  He wanted a sausage sizzle, and despite the rain, that's exactly what we had!

Happy birthday Kieran!!!

Thursday 28 July 2011

Out of the old and into the new......

It's been a busy old time for us, and since my last blog update, we've moved!  Our apartment in Brighton was lovely, and we had some great times there, but we felt that it was time for a change. The fact that there was lots of building work starting up around us was the push we needed to pack up and unpack at our new place in Hampton.

So here's our empty old place (before it was cleaned!)......
Lounge through to courtyard
Lounge/dining room

Spare bedroom
Our bedroom - yes I know it's filthy and looks like someone's plucked a chicken!
And here's our empty new place...................
Living room
Spare bedroom
Our bedroom
Walk-in wardrobe

Roof terrace

So cheers to our new place, and many boxes to unpack!  I'm sure there will be photos when we've settled in and the rooms are full!