Saturday 26 February 2011

Comedy of Errors!

I don't want to get any older, but I do love birthdays!!! 

The Tuesday before my birthday I went out for pizza and wine with girlfriends, and then at work they got me a lovely big chocolate cake, so the build up to my birthday was going well!

Birthday Eve was great, with the Melbourne Rebels winning their first game against the Brumbies - awesome!  There was only one point in it (24/25) so it was all very exciting - especially because they had lost their first game last week 43-0!

On the morning of my birthday I felt totally spoilt!  It's lovely to get presents in the post (and I loved them all!), and to open them with breakfast served in bed was a real treat!  It was a lovely hot day so we went for lunch on Church Street and sat outside, and then went to the beach in the afternoon!  Perfect.

The weather forecast had been great all week, so I was really looking forward to going to Shakespeare in the Park in the evening.  This would be the third year that we've been for my birthday - it's so nice to watch a Shakespeare comedy under the stars in the Botanical Gardens.  This year we were organised and pre-ordered food for before the performance, and took along a bottle of Rose Chandon - courtesy of Gill (thanks!).

On the way to the gardens there was a light shower, but it was still warm so we were still optomistic!

Enjoying the bottle of bubbly, we eagerly awaited our food - of which they had no record of us ordering but said would be there before the performance anyway!  And then the rain came so the umbrellas went up!  Still no food, and the performance begins!  Darren and I couldn't see anything because of the umbrellas infront of us, and we couldn't hear properly because the speakers were covered up because of the rain!  Marvellous!  30 minutes into the show, one of the actors announced that the weather was going to get worse so they'd have to stop the performance before they got electrocuted!!!  So there we were - no food, no show, and a half drunk bottle of bubbly in the pouring rain!  Not to be detered, we packed up the stuff and headed back into the city!  The irony of the show being called 'Comedy of Errors' was not lost on us!

Back in the city we went for a lovely meal on the South Bank.  They were a bit unsure about letting me in with my bottle of bubbly, and said if I drank any they would have to charge me to have it 'popped' - it was already popped!!!  But it was a good enough excuse to order more, and we had a fabulous night!!!  It may not have been the night out we'd planned - but it couldn't have been nicer!  And if you're wondering, the bubbly wasn't wasted!  I had another glass when we got in whilst skyping mum!