Tuesday 8 June 2010

Last days in Noosa

And so to our last full day in Noosa!  First we went to Noosaville and had a wander round there, and then we went to a Viewpoint where we had awesome views of Noosa and beyond:
We then headed back to Noosa for a final look round the shops and a last walk along the shore:

And then back to the house for our last night in Noosa.  We had a lovely barbeque, and then shared a bottle of bubbles to once again toast mum and dad and their happy anniversary:

Maybe too many bubbles?!....

And Mark proved himself a true Perry by finishing off the apple crumble pie:

We were due to fly out of Noosa early afternoon on May 18th which meant we had the morning to enjoy the beautiful 40 mile beach close to the house:

Sunday 6 June 2010

Paint the town red!

The evening of mum and dad's Ruby wedding anniversary we had booked to go for a meal at Bistro C, by the sea in Noosa.  It was recommended by an Aussie friend of mine as being fine dining, but child friendly....and it was!

Much excitement as mum and dad open their present - they collect Swarovski Crystal so we thought a red rose was apt for their Ruby Wedding...

It was a great night and the food was amazing..

And then outside for another photo opportunity...

Saturday 5 June 2010

Must be a Red day!

May 16th 2010 - mum and dad's Ruby Wedding Anniversary!  40 years, and they still say that they would marry each other again tomorrow.  That's some example for us.....if we are half as happy as they are in another 35 years then we'll be very happy indeed!

In the morning Mabel wasn't feeling well so Emma suggested that they have a day under the duvet while the rest of us went to Noosa for the day.  Mum, dad, Kieran and Mark decided to have a walk around Noosa Heads, while Darren and I went to the beach and had a look around Noosa.

Don't we make a beautiful couple!

We all met up again for lunch in a great little restaurant on the main street of Noosa, Hastings Street - all the decor was red - almost like we'd planned it!

After lunch, we went for a walk through Noosa and through some woods where we saw a Kookaburra in the tree!

And then to the beach for a coffee.

Kieran gets hold of the camera.....

And then for a walk along the shore before heading back to the car.

One final stop before getting back to the house was a visit to 'The Big Shell'.  We had seen the sign for it from the main road so we figured it was worth a visit.....

Ok, the shell as a tourist attraction was pretty rubbish....but it's a nice photo!